Friday, February 15, 2008

back soon

i have been wanting to post all week - but life has caught up with me in a big way and told me to slow down - so - i have been going to bed early and trying to not do too much - and i have decided its a pain in the but having to go to doctors appointments, giving blood and having tests - so i will be back real soon to upload a pic of my box that i created at a sewing creative class, i am very happy with the way it turned out. I am going to try and do a couple of layouts tonight - but won't hold my breath.

I also need to upload a pic of my CJ i received home a few weeks back - still totally lovin' it. I haven't cleaned the scrap room - and have decided that if i scrap heaps this weekend of stuff that has not been put away and bits and bobs of leftover pages that are lying around that it may help to alleviate the congestion going into the room - but then again come sunday if there has been no progress i might just clean the bloody room up!

not much photo taking by me either - been too busy with stuff... so here is a couple from the other day- its been raining constantly - and its been muggy and hot too - so the peeps have been having a lot of fun time in the pool.

have fun, stay safe



David David said...

I do hope everything is OK I am thinking of you. x

Tammy said...

Whoops Sorry I was signed in as my DH ... *rolling eyes*

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Very recently I had a pain in the chest and hands. The doctor admitted me to the ICU to check if I had a heart attack. The ECG did not indicate any problem. Then he did echo test. Nothing was wrong. Then he made me walk on the tredmill. It showed some negative and positive readings. Now he wants me to do a CT Scan of the heart. I am not interested in doing any more tests. I was discharged from the hospital in two days. After a days rest I have started my normal activities. Ofcourse, I take the tablets he prescribed everyday. I am quite fine.